LECOM, Bradenton presented the Colby Cassani Endowed Lectureship Series...

The Colby Foundation is funding and participating at the seventh medical school scheduled this academic year to present the CCELS...

The Colby Foundation first awarded the CCELS to Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine's (LECOM) Bradenton in 2009 ensuring that its students, faculty, and staff would be among the thousands the foundation works to educate about organ, eye, and tissue donation.  Funds granted by the Colby Foundation via the Lectureship Series ensure that the clinical, logistical, and personal aspects of donation and transplantation have a permanent place in the school's curriculum.  

Colby Foundation Trustee, Starla Cassani, shared her family's journey through grief at the loss of their infant son Colby and the hope and healing they experienced in the lives saved through donating his organs.  Thank you to additional presenters:

Charles Wright, MD; Medical Director, Lifelink of Florida
Melissa Kelley, RN; Training Supervisor, Lifelink of Florida
Steve K., Kidney Recipient

The Colby Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose work is made possible through the generous support of its contributors.

March 27th, 2015 1:00 PM   through   4:00 PM

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